Anarchisme in Indonesië infobijeenkomst

-English below- Zaterdag 15 februari 2020 In de Anarchistische bibliotheek / Bollox Adres: Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam Een anarchistische kameraad uit Indonesië zal de presentatie houden in het Indonesisch en zal vertaald worden naar het Engels. Een korte Geschiedenis van de opkomt van de anarchistische beweging in Indonesië. Sinds de … Lees verder/Read more

Info talk: Solidarity Fund for Prisoners and Persecuted Militants

During the anarchist library on Monday we will have food and we will host ‘tamio’, a self-organised solidarity fund from Greece. The solidarity fund was established in 2010 and to this day they actively organize the ethical, political and material support of prisoners and persecuted militants. They will talk about … Lees verder/Read more

Solidarity to the squats, the anarchist and social movement in Greece

Since August 2019 a new repression wave began against the squats in Exarchia in Athens and other cities in Greece. Several immigrant and anarchist squats and social centres have been evicted till now. This comes with the dogma of “law and order” from the recently elected new government of the … Lees verder/Read more

Mental health struggles, addiction and trauma in DIY / punk scene

AGA is hosting a book presentation / infotalk by Craig Lewis, a peer counsellor, punk and an author of three books on mental health. Lewis is touring Europe with his latest book, Punx in Recovery, sharing his personal experiences with mental health struggles in the diy / punk scene in … Lees verder/Read more

AGA presents: Anarchist Film Festival

Exciting news – Anarchist Group Amsterdam, together with Filmhuis Cavia is organising an Anarchist Film Festival on the 15 – 18 of November! What would be better on a gloomy autumn weekend than chilling with your friends/family/partners/workmates/comrades in filmhuis Cavia, watching good films, engaging in talks with the makers and … Lees verder/Read more

Benefit for Anarchist space in Prague, Czech Republic

Saturday the 7th of September at 19:00 at the Anarchist Library / BolloxEerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam content of the evening: Short talk about contemporary anarchist movement in Czech republic, added with some short clips and films about different issues that the anarchist movement in Czech dealt with in the last … Lees verder/Read more

Aankondiging Anarchistische boekenbeurs Amsterdam – Anouncement Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam

De anarchistische boekenbeurs Amsterdam zal in november 2019 plaatsvinden! Dit is de 3e keer dat wij deze jaarlijkse boekenbeurs organiseren. De eerste twee jaren waren zo’n succes dat ze naar meer smaakten. Dus ook dit jaar kun je in november naar het Dokhuis voor al je anarchistische boeken, zines, stickers, … Lees verder/Read more

Benefit for Russian anarchists and anti fascists

more info Sunday 7th of April EARLY START at 24:00 closed ! 5 euro donation 17:00 door open 17:30 Info talk from Russian comrades about the repression of anarchist and anti fascist movement in Russia today. 18:00 Docu “the Network” (2019/English subtitles) about the Russian state frame up of … Lees verder/Read more

Action at Urban Lodge Hotel

English below the picture Vandaag 24 maart, de tweede actie ivm uitbuiting van hotel werkster via het bedrijf IMS Groep. De lobby van het hotel werd korte tijd bezet door 15 mensen met pamfletten, spandoeken en megafoon. De klanten reageerden positief het management was minder positief en dat is nou … Lees verder/Read more

The NETWORK | Documentary movie screening

In the run-up to presidential elections and the FIFA World Cup, repressions against antifascists and anarchists started in Russia. In Autumn 2017, 6 people were arrested in Penza; several of them had weapons and explosives planted on them. FSB officers then tortured the antifascists right in the detention facility: they … Lees verder/Read more

IMS Groep buit personeel uit!

English below Vandaag, 8 Maart, internationaale vrouwendag hebben we met 12 mensen actie gevoerd voor de deur van het kantoor van IMS Groep. We hadden spandoeken, megafoon en zwart/rode/paarse vlaggen bij ons. We hebben honderden pamfletten uitgedeeld aan buurtbewoners en huis aan huis de pamfleten in de bus gedaan. Helaas … Lees verder/Read more

Boek pesentatie: Wenüy, herinnering aan Santiago Maldonado

Wenüy Voor de rebellerende herinnering aan Santiago Maldonado Door kameraden uit Argentinië. De presentatie is in het Engels, het boek is in het Spaans. (English below) Maandag 28 januari 2019 Aanvang 19:30 presentatie 20:00 In de Anarchisitische Bilootheek – Bollox Adres: Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam Twee wegen van strijd die elkaar kruisten, de eerste van Santiago Maldona, gekidnapt en vermoord door de … Lees verder/Read more

In memory of anti-fascists Anastasia & Stanislav, Movie and Talk

Ten years ago, two Russian anti-fascists, journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov, were murdered by neo-nazi group conducted by the government in broad daylight on 19th of January. Stanislav was not just a lawyer, who took political left-sided anti-fascist cases, he was also a public anti-fascism and human rights … Lees verder/Read more