Remember Revolution ! Remember Omar Aziz ! Amsterdam 16 february @ anarchist library-Bollox

This February 16th, the 12 anniversary of his death from the brutal prisons of the Assad regime.Omar Aziz was a anarchist and a in portend organizer in the popular uprising against the brutal Assad dictatorship in Syria. We will show some short documentrys abbout the uprsing in Syria, and ashort … Lees verder/Read more

Printed desires. On radical publishing after the dictatorship in Spain

After the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, in November 1975, there was anexplosion of discourses in Spain. In the streets there was graffiti, music, freeradio, community video and, especially, self-published publications. After theregime, there was a desire to communicate, but also to create, identified withcertain forms of counterculture. This … Lees verder/Read more

ZINE RELEASE – Riding It Out

Riding It Out is a zine about tools to deal with activist trauma and burnout. Written by Iris, a long time activist and bicycle mechanic from Israel-Palestine, the zine explains how the brain and body react to trauma, what we can do as individuals, groups and communities to takecare of … Lees verder/Read more

Report back of protest in solidarity with anarchist Abtin Parsa

Last Saturday, 7-11-2020, the Anarchist Group Amsterdam organized a protest regarding the extremely dangerous situation in which the anarchist Abtin Parsa from Iran is currently in. Below is the call for the protest and the background is also explained a bit there.… At 2 pm on the Beursplein in Amsterdam … Lees verder/Read more

Benefit for Anarchist space in Prague, Czech Republic

Saturday the 7th of September at 19:00 at the Anarchist Library / BolloxEerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam content of the evening: Short talk about contemporary anarchist movement in Czech republic, added with some short clips and films about different issues that the anarchist movement in Czech dealt with in the last … Lees verder/Read more

6 October – Info talk on repression against Russian anarchists and antifascists.

How the FSB is Manufacturing a Terrorism Case Against Antifascists in Russia. In the run-up to presidential elections and the FIFA World Cup, repressions against antifascists and anarchists started in Russia. In Autumn 2017, 6 people were arrested in Penza; several of them had weapons and explosives planted on them. … Lees verder/Read more