Remember Revolution ! Remember Omar Aziz ! Amsterdam 16 february @ anarchist library-Bollox

This February 16th, the 12 anniversary of his death from the brutal prisons of the Assad regime.Omar Aziz was a anarchist and a in portend organizer in the popular uprising against the brutal Assad dictatorship in Syria. We will show some short documentrys abbout the uprsing in Syria, and ashort … Lees verder/Read more

Opening expo en veiling: Davyd Chychkan – anarchist en kunstenaar uit Oekraine

Op zaterdag 1 februari 2025 is de opening van de expositie met het werk van de Oekraïense anarchist en kunstenaar Davyd Chychkan. Deze bijeenkomst is ook een moment om stil te staan bij het feit dat de Russische invasie en bloedige oorlog zijn 3de jaar in gaat. Waar: MKZ, 1e … Lees verder/Read more

RIse up (movie screening) + voku in support of german antifascists

Hello, to start this new year we are showing a movie in the bollox (23/01) and organizing a voku (24/01, in MKZ) in support of people affected by the “Antifa Ost” trial as well as the  Budapest Antifascist Solidarity Committee. More info: On 23 January 2025, the Anarchist Group Amsterdam … Lees verder/Read more

Benefit for anarchist center in Cluj, Romania – Film night. social center in Cluj (in so called romania), where multiple informal radical political groups organise and one of the few autonomous spaces in Romania, needs your help. Since the new location opened in 2020, lots of energy and money were put into making the space safer, comfortable and better … Lees verder/Read more

Book presentation // Commemoration meeting

Dmitry Petrov, also known as Ilya Leshy, was an anarchist, environmentalist, author of books and articles, and a researcher of Kurdistan. He visited the region twice as a researcher and member of Kurdish self-defense units. In February 2022, with the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, he joined … Lees verder/Read more

Docu Izkor: Slaves of Memory

“Izkor” means “remember” in Hebrew. This film looks in depth at this imperative that is imposed on the children of Israel, and how it is a powerful tool for propaganda. For instance, during the month of April, feast days and celebrations take place one after another. School children of all … Lees verder/Read more

Day of commemoration of the anarchist fighters who died in Russo-Ukrainian War

On Friday the 19th we will join the call out for a international Day of commemoration of the anarchist fighters who died in Russo-Ukrainian War. We will do this by screening a documentary and stand still for a moment to remember the people who lost their lives to protect their … Lees verder/Read more

[Lezing/Discussie] De Evolutie van Liefde door Rob de Jong

poster, de evolutie van liefde

Donderdag, 7 maart | begint om 20:00 | Voertaal NederlandsLocatie: Bollox Eerste Schinkelstraat 16 Amsterdam Je hoort het vaak tegenwoordig: we zijn dieren en zullen onze plek in de natuur recht moeten doen. Maar wat daar de consequenties van zijn, is vaag. En dat is logisch, want wie wil er … Lees verder/Read more

Documentary screening // Benefit for Solidarity Collectives

This thursday 1 february 2024at 20:00 at the Anarchist Library / Bolloxadres: Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam On the 24th of February it will be two years of full scale war in Ukraine. Every day from the 1st to the 24th of February content from different anti-autoritarian perspectives is shared to … Lees verder/Read more

Jan 25 | Documentary screening // Zine release // Benefit for imprisoned Indonesian anarchist Bima Satria Putra

Docu starts at 20:30, the door will be open from 19:00 like every other library night on Thursday. People are free to stay till late to discuss or just hang out. Help imprisoned anarchist writer Bima continue his research. Bima is an activist who served time for possession of marijuana … Lees verder/Read more

Revolutionair organiseren van onderop! Amsterdam 19-1-24

Revolutionair organiseren van onderop, wat kan dat zijn? Hoe kunnen we vanuit de realiteit van vandaag een alternatief bouwen voor een nieuwe samenleving? Individualisme en uitbuiting tegengaan en solidariteit kweken, hoe kunnen we dat aanpakken terwijl veel mensen in onze buurten bezig zijn met overleven? Verzet tegen kapitalisme, de staat, … Lees verder/Read more

“Moscow Mutiny” documentary screening Thursday 23 Nov

Moscow mutany

— English below — Donderdag 23 november 19:30 in the Anarchistische Bibliotheek, Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam. “Moscow Mutiny” vertelt het verhaal van Russische antifascisten en anarchisten tijdens de anti-Poetin protesten van 2011-2012. Een van de hoofdpersonen van de film is Dmitry Petrov, ook bekend als Ilya Leshy, een anarchist, milieuactivist, … Lees verder/Read more