[TONIGHT] Book presentation w/ Peter Gelderloos | Strategies for ecological revolution from below

[English below]Auteur van het boek“The Solutions Are Already Here :strategies for ecological revolution from below” Dinsdag 6 mei om 20:00 uuradres: MKZ Eerste Schinkelstraat 16 Amsterdam  Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van een bredere ecologische crisis?Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voor meer duurzame energie … Lees verder/Read more

[POSTPONED] Book presentation w/ Peter Gelderloos | Strategies for ecological revolution from below

We are sorry to announce that because of a health emergency we unfortunately have to postpone the book presentation from Peter Gelderloos to a later date. We are awaiting further info on his condition and wish him well and solidarity. For more future info keep an eye on our website … Lees verder/Read more

[POSTPONED] Book presentation w/ Peter Gelderloos | Strategies for ecological revolution from below

[English below]Auteur van het boek“The Solutions Are Already Here :strategies for ecological revolution from below” dinsdag 2 mei om 20:00 uuradres: MKZ Eerste Schinkelstraat 16 Amsterdam Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van een bredere ecologische crisis?Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voor meer duurzame energie … Lees verder/Read more

Info talk about the Kronstadt Uprising

This march we again remember the Kronstadt Uprising, where 102 years ago, during the Russian Revolution, heroic sailors marched against the authoritarian Bolshevik regime. Together, in this workshop, we will explore its history, try to understand what caused it, and discuss what lessons we can learn from the mistakes of … Lees verder/Read more

Benefit night for anarchists in Ukraine

Saturday 18 February 2023 18.00-20.00 Soup and drinks20.00-21.00 Short movies about our and from comrades in Ukraine and discussion Since the start of the war in the Ukraine last February 24, anarchists and other anti-authoritarians have been involved in resisting the Russian invasion. They need our support. AGA has called … Lees verder/Read more

2022-07-27 Fundraising concert for Anarchists in Iran & Afghanistan

After the brutal US sanctions and takeover of the Taliban, our anarchist comrades in Afghanistan and Iran are asking for help! We are organizing a benefit concert at OCCII on July 27th in order to raise as much money as possible, to show solidarity, to support their initiatives and to … Lees verder/Read more

Sunday 10 July: Poetin stoppen! Is FVD slopen! | Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD!

English Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD!Sunday 10th of July, 13:00The elitist conspiracy fascists from Forum voor Democratie will gather to show support to and celebrate their friend, dictator and mass murderer Putin! Together with the fascists of the AFD from Germany, the Russian ambassador and other scum! Start 13:00Everywhere … Lees verder/Read more

Anarchisten uit Kiev – Oekraïne op de Pinksterlanddagen

Anarchisten uit Kiev – Oekraïne op de Pinksterlanddagen Al meer dan 3 maanden is er oorlog in Oekraïne. Terwijl in de eerste oorlogsdagen het nieuws om de paar uur werd gecheckt, wordt de situatie voor de meeste mensen in West-Europa langzamerhand normaal. Er ontwikkelt zich een stagnatie aan het front, … Lees verder/Read more

7th of May | “Lucio” documentary screening at Bollox for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September.  On the 7th of May at 17:30, “Lucio” documentary will be screened at Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, … Lees verder/Read more

Fundraiser anarchist movie screening for comrades in Ukraine

AGA is organizing a documentary screening to raise money for Operation Solidarity, an anti-authoritarian volunteer network in Ukraine. On the 30th of April at 19:30, “The volunteers” documentary will be screened at Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, Amsterdam). The documentary is in Kurdish/English with English subtitles.  Doors open at 19:15, screening … Lees verder/Read more

Punk night / Benefit fundraiser for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity

Waar: Garage Noord, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 40, Amsterdam, NetherlandsWanneer: 21/04/2022 – 20:00 We have a nice mixture of punk for ya all this night. From riot-grrrl punk too hardcore punk and crust.– Crustenunie | Crust– The Earwurms | punk/riot-grrrl– Tense reaction | Hardcore punk First band will start around 21:00 and … Lees verder/Read more

Oproep voor geld voor Operation Solidarity, Oekraïne!

Wij de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam (AGA), zijn bijna zo lang als we bestaan in contact geweest met Russische anarchisten, O.a. door de horror verhalen die wij hoorden over de praktijk van de Russische staat hebben wij altijd ons solidair getoond met vervolgde anarchisten in Rusland en proberende te helpen wanneer … Lees verder/Read more

CANCELLED!! 18th of March | “The volunteers” screening at Vondelbunker for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience. AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. On the 18th of March at 20:00, “The volunteers” … Lees verder/Read more


The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.Woensdag 23 maart Aanvang: 19 uurLocatie: Ru Paré, Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van eenbredere ecolo- gische crisis? Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voormeer duurzame energie of het hebben over het Klimaatakkoord … Lees verder/Read more