Fundraiser anarchist movie screening for comrades in Ukraine

AGA is organizing a documentary screening to raise money for Operation Solidarity, an anti-authoritarian volunteer network in Ukraine. On the 30th of April at 19:30, “The volunteers” documentary will be screened at Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, Amsterdam). The documentary is in Kurdish/English with English subtitles.  Doors open at 19:15, screening … Lees verder/Read more

Punk night / Benefit fundraiser for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity

Waar: Garage Noord, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 40, Amsterdam, NetherlandsWanneer: 21/04/2022 – 20:00 We have a nice mixture of punk for ya all this night. From riot-grrrl punk too hardcore punk and crust.– Crustenunie | Crust– The Earwurms | punk/riot-grrrl– Tense reaction | Hardcore punk First band will start around 21:00 and … Lees verder/Read more

Oproep voor geld voor Operation Solidarity, Oekraïne!

Wij de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam (AGA), zijn bijna zo lang als we bestaan in contact geweest met Russische anarchisten, O.a. door de horror verhalen die wij hoorden over de praktijk van de Russische staat hebben wij altijd ons solidair getoond met vervolgde anarchisten in Rusland en proberende te helpen wanneer … Lees verder/Read more

CANCELLED!! 18th of March | “The volunteers” screening at Vondelbunker for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience. AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. On the 18th of March at 20:00, “The volunteers” … Lees verder/Read more


The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.Woensdag 23 maart Aanvang: 19 uurLocatie: Ru Paré, Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van eenbredere ecolo- gische crisis? Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voormeer duurzame energie of het hebben over het Klimaatakkoord … Lees verder/Read more

Announcing “Coronavirus & Anarchism, pandemic’s anthology”

We are proud to announce our up and coming compendium of corona criticism! You can find the forward below in which we summarize and prepare you for a plethora of anarchist analysis. The following collection attempts to gather as many pieces regarding Anarchist takes on Corona as possible. It is … Lees verder/Read more

12th of November | Benefit movie night at Vondelbunker for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. On the 12th of November at 19.30, the “In een tank jij kan niet wonen” documentary will … Lees verder/Read more

31st of October | Benefit movie night for the arrested people at the Woonprotest!

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. On the night of the 31st of October, the Precaristas documentary will be screened at Munganga (Schinkelhavenstraat … Lees verder/Read more

20 October | Anti-authoritarian meeting with the Zapatistas. It’s time for the people!

Anti-authoritarian meeting with the Zapatistas. It’s time for the people! On Wednesday a meeting between the Zapatista delegation and several anti-authoritarian collectives of Amsterdam will take place. This event will provide a space where stories of resistance will be shared. How do we, in Europe, fight the system? How do … Lees verder/Read more

Justice for Sammy demonstration- Murdered by the Amsterdam Police

(Nederlands volgt Engels) Justice for Sammy – Murdered by the Amsterdam Police    On the 13th of August 2020 the 23 year old German tourist Sammy Baker was murdered by the Amsterdam police. Sammy was in Amsterdam to celebrate his birthday with friends but disappeared. His mother reported him missing … Lees verder/Read more

Nieuwe boeken in de bibliotheek – New books in the library

Beste kameraden,We hebben onze bibliotheek uitgebreid met een aantal mooie nieuwe boeken. We zijn gewoon open dus kom vooral langs op een zaterdag tussen 14:00 en 18:00. Restaurant MKZ is ook open voor afhaal eten voor €5 per maaltijd. Normaal steunt de MKZ anderen maar nu kunnen ze jullie steun … Lees verder/Read more

Demonstratie: Corona is het virus, kapitalisme de crisis, solidariteit de oplossing

The virus has been going around the world now for more than a year. Entire sectors of public life have been put to a standstill. The capacity of the Dutch healthcare system is pushed to its limits. While public money is being used to bailout big corporations, the health care … Lees verder/Read more

In the memory of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

Twelve years ago, Russian human rights advocate and journalist Stanislav Markelov, and journalist Anastasia Baburova, were shot and killed by a Russian ultra-nationalists. On 30th November 2008 Stas made a speech at the meeting against political terror in Moscow. It describes perfectly Stas himself and the overall situation in Russia … Lees verder/Read more