Arrests and police repression on the picket in solidarity with Abtin Parsa at the IND Amsterdam

This protest was organized in solidarity with Abtin Pasra, an anarchist from Iran who is persecuted by the Greek and Iranian state, see the appeal here: On Tuesday the 8th of September at 14:00 we gathered outside the IND office on the Pieter Callandlaan 1 in Amsterdam. We were there … Lees verder/Read more

Arrestaties en politie repressie op picket bij de IND Amsterdam in solidariteit met Abtin.

Dit protest was georganiseerd in solidariteit met Abtin Pasra, een anarchist uit Iran die vervolgd word door de Griekse en Iraanse staat , zie hier de oproep: Op dinsdag 8 december werd er om 14 uur verzameld bij het IND kantoor op de Pieter Callandlaan 1 te Amsterdam. We stonden … Lees verder/Read more

Report back of protest in solidarity with anarchist Abtin Parsa

Last Saturday, 7-11-2020, the Anarchist Group Amsterdam organized a protest regarding the extremely dangerous situation in which the anarchist Abtin Parsa from Iran is currently in. Below is the call for the protest and the background is also explained a bit there.… At 2 pm on the Beursplein in Amsterdam … Lees verder/Read more