Printed desires. On radical publishing after the dictatorship in Spain

After the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, in November 1975, there was an
explosion of discourses in Spain. In the streets there was graffiti, music, free
radio, community video and, especially, self-published publications. After the
regime, there was a desire to communicate, but also to create, identified with
certain forms of counterculture. This also coincides with the anarchist revival
boosted by the legalization of the CNT, the anarchist trade union confederation,
in 1977.
Therefore, this talk aims to map out what self-publishing, or radical publishing,
implied in the early years after Franco’s dictatorship in Spain. The map of a PhD
research dedicated to the topic, started in 2019, and of an intense archival work
developed especially in archives in Spain and France, but also in the archive of
the Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, will be presented.
In a way, these other publications, rare or marginal, give us an index of what
happens when the historical horizon is opening for a society, and people can
imagine what would then happen now.

Inés Molina-Agudo is an art historian, researcher, and art critic. She is a PhD
Candidate in the Department of Art History at the Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, studying the phenomenon of the marginal press and its link with creativity
and popular expression in post-Franco Spain (1975-1980). Her lines of research
deal with countercultures and self-publishing from the 60s to the present through
Social History, Art History and Cultural Studies

Thursday 15 june
at 20:00
In the Anarchist Library / bollox
Eerst Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam

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