A.casa social center in Cluj (in so called romania), where multiple informal radical political groups organise and one of the few autonomous spaces in Romania, needs your help.

Since the new location opened in 2020, lots of energy and money were put into making the space safer, comfortable and better fitting the needs of the people using it. Electricity, gas and water instalation were replaced and the roof was fixed, besides many other things and there is still much to do..
Now they realized they need to reinforce the foundation of an important wall of their house otherwise there is a risk the wall will continue to crack and maybe even collapse in time making the space unusable. This comes as a heavy blow as costs are mounting and other improvement projects have to be put on hold.
To support them and help raise funds for their construction efforts we are organizing this event:
November 14th, thursday there will be a film screening in Bollox. We will screen “Tales from the Golden Age” by Cristian Mungiu.
A hilarious and insightful anthology of short films based on urban legends from Romania’s Stalinist era.
If you would like to help, please join us for these events or get in touch to know more.